Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Post of 2010

I don't really have much to say right now. Honestly, I just wanted to finish with an even 40 posts for this year.

I guess 2010 has been ... kind of forgettable. It wasn't awful but it wasn't very good either. There were a lot of hard times and far more stress than I ever wanted but there was some good - I mean, I did finally see both Muse and MUTEMATH so that alone made the year worth having. I think it seems kind of fitting for the year that I end it with this bad cold I have.

I'm looking forward to 2011 though. I'm still terrified and excited about the possibility of teaching in Japan for a while and I'm hoping other things get better as well.

That's all really. I got a new camera for Christmas (which was definitely full of good and bad this year) and haven't uploaded the software to my computer yet so once I do that I'll post about it. But yeah ... adios 2010!!

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I did it. Less than an hour ago I put down my first payment for TEFL training to teach English abroad.

I still have time to choose either Japan or South Korea but I've always been leaning towards Japan and that is where I'd like to end up (Tokyo or Kyoto onegai shimasu!).

I'm nervous and I'm excited - both to the point that I can barely focus today. As I talked to Kristin on Friday we both came to conclusion about our decisions (she would like to go on a 3-week mission trip to Kenya), "Sometimes when something is on your heart for that long, maybe it's what God wants you to do," Kristin said.

I think she's right. I've wanted to do something like this for a long time - it may not be everything I hope it will be ... but then again it may be just what I need.

I start my online classes January 10th and then I guess I'll find out.

Right now though, it feels pretty good.

'Nuff said,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Going For It

There's been much to discuss and I will catch up on that later but this blog post is going to be straight to the point.

I have decided to sign up for TEFL classes and go to Japan (South Korea is less of a possibility now as my dad would freak because of the recent bombing). I'm terrified but I'm also excited.

I've known for a while that something needed to change in my life. I've always wanted to travel and I've been considering being a teacher so this is a good opportunity to try out both. 

I don't want to have a that nagging "I should have" or "What if" hanging over my head. 

I'm not lying about being terrified - the longest I've been away from my family would be 2 weeks in Australia - so I hope I'll get support for my decision, but even if I don't at least I'll know I went for it.

In my last post I talked about how much I was thinking about it but there's a point where you have to stop thinking, considering or wishing and do something. I've been wanting to do something for too long and I think it really is time to just go for it.

I will have made my first payment by next Wednesday and will start classes either January 11 or 31 - which will have me done finished with training by April at the latest. 

I really, really hope this works out.

Here's a fun MUTEMATH song to end my post.

In the words of one of my favorite characters of all time, "Whatever happens, happens".

'Nuff Said,

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?"

I've been a bit melancholy lately. I don't really like November - despite it being my birth month. I get bummed more easily during this month.

But I'm not here to be bummed which is why I decided for the title to be from Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash. When I saw Weezer they had a very nice cover of that song - and Rivers sang it while jumping on a trampoline on stage so it triggers happy memories of a fantastic set from Weezer.

Currently I am in the process of trying to leave the country for 6 months to a year. I'm looking into getting TEFL training so I can teach English abroad. I'd like to go to Japan or South Korea. I'm pushing for Japan more (I'd love to stay in Tokyo or Kyoto) but South Korea would be cool.

I speak a little Japanese so it'd be fun to use it ... and I had a lot of Korean friends in high school so I know a few of the bad words. At least I would know when I'm being cursed at or called "stupid", "fat", "crazy" or "idiot" and when I'm being told "hi" and "bye". Yeah, those words are the extent of my Korean.

I'm not 100% sure about this ... I desperately want to travel, but I'm terrified of leaving my family and other responsibilities I have here. It would be completely different from anything I've ever done. But that's what makes it so very, very appealing.

Also, I think I'd be pretty good at it. I'm kind of a grammar nerd and from tutoring a few Korean kids I do know some of the struggles they have learning English.

With the cost of the training I wouldn't be able to get started until January though. I wanted to start now, but it's just too expensive.

It would be pretty wicked to go though.

That's all really. I'm gonna leave with a MUTEMATH song that's stuck in my head as I try to pull out of this melancholy.

Good stuff.

'Nuff said,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"We have to unify and watch our flag ascend"

That's a line from "Uprising" by Muse.

I can't believe I didn't post in October. A lot happened that I wanted to talk about. I finally got to see MUTEMATH! They were awesome. The experience getting there ... well, I'll save that for my next blog. It was definitely an adventure.

Anyways, I watched the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear Saturday and enjoyed Jon Stewart's speech. He had a point. Instead of the media doing it's job it tears us apart. It tells us we are or aren't this or that because of one decision - it leaves little room for compromise and that is reflected in our government. We can't change or help the country if the government isn't willing to compromise.

With elections going on, I was really starting to lose my faith in people's sanity. But seeing all those people also tired of this stupidity made me feel a bit better.

Other than that ... today is election day. So I guess we shall see what that means.

That's all for today. I really just wanted to post the speech because I liked it. I also really liked Colbert's montages and John Oliver in that Peter Pan outfit.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Advocating Advocacy

Today is "Ad Day" or something. First, I want to Save the Blue Like Jazz Movie. Donald Miller is my favorite Christian author and it really makes me sad that they were able to put together a solid script and good cast but lose out because they can't fund it and still keep it the way it's written.

According to Donald Miller's Blog, Miller is trying to present the movie as he writes, honestly. And sometimes being honest means doing away with the stereotype that every kid being raised in a Christian home is or should be perfect so their having trouble raising the dough. Check it out here.

I'd like to donate once I get paid Tuesday so someone needs to hold me to that.

Next, I'm advocating Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity. It's about time someone tried to get a bunch of non-extremists together. It's disgusting how much politicians and "news" channels try to tear the country apart. Really, it makes me sick to be told I'm not a Christian if I support Obama because he's some white-hating, Muslim, Socialist and Communist - especially when I don't think these people actually know the difference between Socialism and Communism. And I'm just as sick of hearing that I'm a bigot because I subscribe to a system of beliefs or having it assumed that I want to burn Korans and beat gays because I dislike a policy or am somewhat offended when someone belittles my .
I also like the idea of Stephen Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive too. I love how Colbert plays on the ridiculousness of the media.
I wish I could go to the rally ... in fact I'm trying to see if I can work it out financially but I am in California and it is in DC so we shall see.

It'd be nice to see American media "Take it Down a Notch". Polarization has gotten out of control - the way to keep this country going is to work together not by verbally or physically beating those with differing ideals. It seemed like media had come a long way since the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers back when journalism was planting it's roots in America and the fact that we're back there after knowing all we know now is just sad. Here's the video of Stewart's announcement because I love it.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

My favorite sign is the "spiders" one but I also love the "not Hitler" one.

That's all. I advocated and ranted a bit so I'm finished.

'Nuff said,

Edit: The Blue Like Jazz movie was saved!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Reach"-ing for Something to Write

Snoop Dogg vs LL Cool J: The Ultimate Halo Smack Down from LL Cool J

I love that video. I have feeling a few of my gamer friends would do the same thing if they had the money.

Since last Tuesday I've been making an effort to get in some time on Halo: Reach. I didn't play Halo: ODST much when it came out and by the time I did get on people were pretty much over it. But I like Reach as much as I can like a  game from the Halo franchise.

Screenshot courtesy

You see, I suck at Halo. The first Halo for the X-Box was one of the first shooters I played so I was absolutely terrible at it. I thought with having a little more shooter experience, I would be better at Halo 2 ... but there wasn't much improvement. When Halo 3 came out I'd had shooter experience with Star Wars Battlefront, Gears of War and Call of Duty so I thought I would for sure do well. Alas, I still was pretty bad. Better than the first two but still bad.

I don't know what it is about the franchise, I just royally suck at Halo. You can see how much right here. (Note: There are some good stats from when Ben played on my account)

I still have a good time though. I enjoy the game and the story line so I like Reach - I'm just not very good. I'm lucky my gamer friends online are, or I'd probably never play. Online, I tend to be our handicap and/or bait ... funny, but sadly true.

I haven't bought my copy and have been using my brother's so I haven't beaten the game yet but it is pretty good so far. I'm especially impressed with the backgrounds. The maps are HUGE and distractingly pretty to look at. Bungie did a fantastic job with the Reach planet. I get lost in the big maps but haven't minded too much as I usually enjoy the surroundings (and lack of people killing me) enough that I can't complain.

Tonight I'm headed to Andre Ethier Fleece Blanket night at Dodgers Stadium! I'm excited to get my blanket! The season may not have been what we'd hoped for but I still love going to Dodger games. I'll be sad when baseball season is over.

That's all for today I believe.

'Nuff said,

Friday, September 3, 2010

And I'll find strength in pain, And I will change my ways, I'll know my name as it's called again

I am in love with this song. I may be falling for this band too - their lyrics are fantastic.

I wish I would've been super cool and hip and heard of them sooner, but as soon as I heard Little Lion Man I looked them up. Then I listened to more of their stuff this week ... and I love it.

I am a sucker for British and Irish folk-y music. There's something about it I really love. My dad says it's because I am Irish and that's probably true but no one else on my Irish side of the family seems to like it as much as I do. Seriously, I have The Celtic Woman CD from the PBS concerts - I have the Christmas version too. I just dig it.

This is the link to the official video by the way. I like both versions, I just put the live one up because I happened to be on the page.

Speaking of folk-y kind of music, I also love this version of Til Kingdom Come/ Ring of Fire by Coldplay. I'm sad the embedding was disabled.

Young Pilgrims by The Shins is another folk-y track I enjoy so I'll post it. (I know they are not British or Irish but I love the song).

Other acoustic/folk-ish stuff I like besides the obvious (i.e. Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash): Good Old War (particularly the song Coney Island), Schuyler Fisk (Hello and Fall Apart Today are great), Corrine Bailey Rae and Bandits of the  Acoustic Revolution (acoustic side of Streetlight Manifesto) to name a few. I'm no acoustic/folk expert but I enjoy it once in a while in general. Suggestions are always appreciated!

I've had a lot to say this week but traffic has been awful so I've been in a really bitter mood and thought it best not to rant again. Playing volleyball last night and being told I only have to work half day today have put me in a much better mood today.

Volleyball kicked my ass last night. My legs and lower back are sore. I was definitely rusty from not playing in a while. I'm excited to be playing again. Kristin and I put together a co-ed team too. It should be a good time.

Also I've begun broadcasting volleyball for CSUF again. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it. The first game I had to do play-by-play though (I normally do color) and that was not so great. I had issues with the equipment and then some sound difficulties once we got it fixed - I was a bit flustered because of it all, honestly. It got better though.

Oh, right! And for the first time since I was about 8, I have short hair. It takes a little getting used to (almost been two weeks and I'm just getting used to it being me in the mirror without all my hair) but I really do like it. My sister picked the perfect cut for me to have short hair I think. At first we were going to do a bob but we decided to do layers, so I have more of a pixie cut. I know no one but me cares about my hair but it's a really big deal for me. I never thought I'd have short hair, but I definitely needed a new cut.

I didn't want to rant and ended up rambling instead, so I'll stop now.

'Nuff Said,

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm Too Young for This ... Right?

I haven't been around lately mostly because I couldn't figure out what to say. I have finally figured it out but I did want to mention I went to the Dodger game on Tuesday (8-17-10) and got my Matt Kemp Bobble Head!

It was a lot of fun and the Dodgers won! So now I have Ethier, Loney and Kemp bobble heads ... if I had a Russell Martin one I'd have the sexy core four. Three of four isn't bad though.

So now on to my thoughts.

My friend Johnny got married on the August 6th and I must say, it was a good time. But I still can't believe Johnny's married. He's only, like, 22. It was crazy seeing this guy who's had me laughing and been like my little brother ever since I met him when I was 16, get married and start a family.

Honestly, he hasn't changed much since we first met. He still makes me laugh and he introduced me to his new wife and her family as his sister. It was really sweet of him, especially since he's been in New Jersey for a year and the wedding was the first time I'd seen him since he left.

But afterwards it got me thinking ...  a surprising amount of my friends are either married, engaged or in long term relationships.

In the past two years I've had 10 friends marry before or at 25. I have 4 friends currently engaged (2 to each other) who will likely be married before they are 25. It kind of freaks me out.

Of the 10 people I know that are married I went to 4 of the weddings (was invited to another but couldn't make it) and the other 5 I found out about after we'd reconnected via Facebook. Still, that many weddings of people my age or younger is pretty intense.

Is there a trend going around with people marrying younger again? I thought the trend was to wait but with a lot of people my age it seems to be happening.

I don't know what to make of it, really. It's just kind of freaks me out.

I guess one reason for this is this really weird trend with the women on my mom's side of the family. My great-grandma got married when she was 24 (considered old for her time actually), my grandma got married at 24, my mom got married at 24 and, two years ago, my cousin got married at 24; my aunt didn't get married at 24 ... she's never been married. However, she is quick to point out she had my cousin at 24 and therefore had a life-altering event happen at that age.

I am currently 23 (will be 24 in November).

See why I'm a little freaked out?

When I was younger, I'd always pictured myself being married young but now that I'm 23, and absolutely no where near getting married, I don't want to be. I don't think I'm really even a grown up yet so I don't think I should be getting married any time soon and I definitely don't want a kid in the next year.

But one day when I'm established and less insecure, I would like to get married. I don't want some freaky age-trend on my mom's side of my family to curse me. And since I'm really not the type to rush into things I have extreme doubts about this happening before I turn 25.

I don't know what is in the air lately, but it's freaking me out. I mean, I'm 23; I shouldn't be having to think about any of this right now ... right?

'Nuff Said,

Friday, July 30, 2010

I Really Wish ...

I could have done this to some stupid lady on the freeway on my way home from work today:

Seriously, it's bad enough I'm stuck in Southern California traffic coming home from Orange County, but then this stupid lady on her friggin' cell phone could not drive! I was stuck behind her ass way too long.

I like the movie Shoot 'Em Up - particularly that scene. The whole movie is just a fun shoot-'em-up style movie with brilliant, cheesy, terrible one liners. Clive Owen is a badass and, yeah, there's no substance but it's just fun. I haven't watched it in a while but I feel like it after watching that clip.

Maybe it's because my daddy raised us on Arnold Schwarzenegger movies but I appreciate those kind of fun action movies with fantastically cheesy lines. This is one of my favorites ever:

How amazing is that?

Shoot 'Em Up is basically like that all through the movie so how could I not love it?

Anyways, an update from Loney Bobblehead Night ... it was one of the weirdest nights ever.

First we left about 15 minutes later than I wanted so I started off a little annoyed. Then there were 2 accidents on the 210 so after 20 minutes to get three exits. I got off the freeway and went down to the 10 but hit every red light possible on the way. Traffic on the 10 wan't too bad considering but, of course, merging to the 110 was terrible. I got off right before the 110 and had to go through the main entrance and deal with that traffic BUT we made got our bobble heads.

By the time we got inside I needed a drink and there was a short line, for once. There were 2 people in front of us but it took about 20 minutes to get to the front because the lady was having trouble with the machine and couldn't count. I finally get up there to order a Blue Moon and every tap at the stand is out of it. I settled for a Miller Lite. We got to our seats just in time for the Dodgers to turn a double play and end the top of the first (seriously as we're walking down the stairs we see it). Then my man Andre Ethier hits a home run and things were looking up. Our section was awesome, the Dodgers were doing great and it was an intense game because it was against the Giants ... but then the Dodgers lost in the 9th when George Sherrill came in ... I dislike George Sherrill immensely so that made it worse. Finally, we get back to my car and someone had broken my passenger side mirror.

I still can't decide whether it was a great night, an awful one or just a weird one.

I hope the Dodgers continue to kick ass in the West because if not we're in trouble.

That was random but I'm watching the game as I type this so I threw it in there.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The Right to Appear Ridiculous is a Right that I Hold Dear"

Tonight, I am getting my James Loney bobblehead! Isn't it cute?

I'm really excited. I had a ton of fun at the Andre Ethier bobblehead night and I'm going with Kristin, Laura and Jemma so I'm hoping for a good game (should be a pitcher's duel with Kershaw going against Lincecum) and a Dodger win (because we really need it) on top of the fun!

The line in the title is from the U2 song I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. I love the lyrics in this song! Honestly, I like most of U2's lyrics, this song was just stuck in my head and considering the craziness I've endured the last few weeks ... it's kind of true.

I think that's it. Here's the song:

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quite Possibly My Favorite Korean ... Definitely the Sexiest

I finally saw Ninja Assassin over the weekend!

It was cool and Korean pop star Rain was totally sexy!

My first knowledge of Korean pop star Rain was on The Colbert Report when Stephen Colbert declared war on him over being voted into the Time 100 Most Influential People, I believe. The recap video won't work so here's one where Colbert challenges Rain to a dance off.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rain Rivalry Challenge
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

He was totally adorable and so I asked the student I was tutoring (a pretty cool Korean boy named Arlen) about him. Arlen got me to listen to some of his music but I was definitely more interested in the music videos. Then I found out about Rain being in Speed Racer and decided I pretty much loved him.

Ninja Assassin took what love to a whole new level! He is SUCH a badass in the movie! There's really not much plot to the movie so if you want that more than awesome badass violence and Rain being sexy don't see it but the everything else is ... well, badass. I love action movies so I adored it. Very cool.

Rain looked amazing too! He trained 6 hours a day for 6 months to get in shape for the movie! He talks about that here! That's insane ... but in an awesome way.

There's not too much else I can say about the movie. It was just really, really cool.

Though it did make me think about one thing. I would love for there to be a good movie based on the Dead or Alive video game franchise! There's been a movie made ... but we won't discuss that - it's super cheesy. BUT in the game's storyline there is the potential for a good movie - especially if they focused on the ninja characters (a central part to the overall story). After seeing Rain in Ninja Assassin I think he'd make an amazing Ryu Hayubusa or Hayate/Ein (complicated story for him).

Rain in Ninja Assassin
Ryu Hayabusa

See? With his hair in the movie I think more a Hayate, but his badassness would be perfect for Ryu too.

That's all for today. I felt like keeping it light. And, just for fun, here's the dance-off.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rain Dance-Off
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

'Nuff Said,

Friday, July 9, 2010

More Nerding Out ... and I Like Olivia Munn!

I guess it might be kind of weird since I'm a girl but I want this book:

Suck It Wonder Woman by Olivia Munn

I love Olivia Munn. I watch G4 and Attack of the Show so I've appreciated Olivia for a while now. She is honestly funny and knows enough of what she's talking about to seem to be an actual geek. I guess it's refreshing to know she's beautiful, a girl and a gamer. No guy can realistically expect that too many gamer, nerd, chicks are that gorgeous but it's nice to have it out there.

I'm nowhere near Olivia pretty but it's nice to see girls like her and Morgan  Webb showing people that not all girls who play video games are 400 pounds and suck at life (which I've basically been told quite a few times after shot-gunning guys to the face on the X-box).

Honestly, for a while I thought she might only be funny playing off Kevin Periera (also a hot nerd) on AotS but she's done some things on KROQ (I loved her on Loveline) and a few reports on The Daily Show before now becoming a correspondent that were good. I don't get why she's being bashed in blogs and stuff. She doesn't have the comedian background but she's funny and smart ... that should count for something. If she sucked I doubt Jon Stewart would have her on.

So, yeah, I like Olivia Munn. I'm not a dude, I'm not after her body, I think sometimes she's awkward but if I looked like her I might go to Comic-Con dressed as Laura Croft too (not the Leia outfit but I'd be too self-conscious for that ... and no one had mentioned that outfit in the interviews I read! She was adorable!) and I think she's likeable and pretty funny.

Hell, I might even go to the book signing in Pasadena!

'Nuff Said,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want to run, I want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside

This is so cool:

I love Muse and I love U2 and I love this song! So it's good all around. Never thought I'd see Muse do a cover of U2 ... I'm sad I didn't actually see it live.

Anyways, I've had to avoid posting the last few days. I got really worked up over something that happened in church on the 4th of July and had to actually walk out. I really dislike people bringing politics into church. Let's say we'll pray for the leaders and leave it at that ... taking the opportunity of "having pride in your country" to bring up what you think is wrong with it ... not cool.

Sometimes I listen to people and think "My brother died for this shit?" Especially on a day like the 4th all about our country and soldiers and stuff. I don't know ... maybe I'm too sensitive.

When my brother first died I was surprised at how little anger I felt about these things. I was pretty numb to all of it for a long time and easily ignored it, but lately that hasn't been the case at all. I get really angry when people drag politics into the church or go out bashing policies and things they know nothing about under the guise of "supporting" our troops.

So yeah ... as you can see I still am a little miffed. There was no way I could make a rational post after that happened. I almost left the service all together. It ended up being good I didn't but that still bugs me.

Speaking of my brother, he was always in to Eminem. I got a copy of his new Recovery album and am really enjoying it. Slim Shady has always been great, but this cd is so refreshing! Just straight up talent without any stupid auto tune and crap. I know my brother would like it too. We listened to a lot of Eminem in his car.

The cd is worth checking out. It's basically good all the way through. I'm not going to claim to be an expert in rap music, but I don't flat out hate the genre and I like what I like. It's good.

That's all for now.

'Nuff said,

p.s. In case you didn't know, the title is a line from Where the Streets Have No Name

Monday, June 28, 2010

Killing Time

I finished World War Z. It was definitely a good book and only caused two zombie nightmares! Once again, I recommend it. It's entertaining and creepily immaginable. I've never been in to zombie stuff all that much (other than playing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 on my X-box) but I really did enjoy it.

In other news, I've been listening to the Roosterteeth podcast The Drunk Tank the last month or so. I really like it. I was first introduced to Red vs Blue in 2006 or so and have pretty much been watching ever since (not always regularly but I manage to catch up) but I'd never really checked out the other stuff they do.
It's good stuff. I subscribe to a couple podcast but don't listen to/watch many regularly but this one makes me want to look for more good ones. Suggestions are appreciated.

I've also been thinking I might try doing one with my niece. She's said before she wants to be a voice actress, but since moving in with us she hasn't done much with it. When she was at her grandma's she was really into voice acting online and I know she wants to but she feels bad using my computer for it. I figure if we do this it'll get her back into it without feeling guilty while also giving her something to do over the summer. Apparently 16-year-olds need entertainment occasionally. I wouldn't mind just trying it out either. Honestly, I've always kind of wanted to try voice acting or being on radio or something to that effect but have never done so. I've been told I have a nice voice over the phone so if this goes well enough maybe I can get a glimpse of what it's like. 

I need something creative to do anyways. My jobs aren't exactly "stimulating".

I can't think of anything else to say right now. I have more but I don't want to make a gigantic post, like usual. So adios!

'Nuff Said,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Annoyances and Zombies!

An update from my last post: The Dodgers found their offense and Andre Ethier hit a home run on Wednesday! His at-bats have looked better so I hope that means he's out of the slump. The Lakers won Tuesday and then won Game 7 last night!

In other news, life really has been throwing the little annoyances my way lately.

I know I'm easily annoyed but some of these things ... I mean, people do have brains right? It's just lack of thinking or lack of common courtesy that really manage to get to me. Lately, it seems like it's running rampant though. It makes me an unhappy Bunny. Sad day.

Speaking of brains, I also finally have gotten around to reading World War Z! I got it for Christmas, but I got a lot of books for Christmas and have just gotten around to starting it this week.

Holy frijoles, Batman, this book is scary! It's not a typical zombie slasher kind of book. The reason it is so scary is that I could actually see some of this happening! The governments trying to cover their tracks to keep other governments from finding out about the initial infections, the unexpected countries using nukes, the panic in comfort-driven America - it is written in a way that seems incredibly plausible. 

I'm enjoying the book but, I'm not gonna lie, I have had a couple crazy zombie dreams and one borderline nightmare. Normally I'm not into scary books or movies. I'm naturally jumpy so I don't like to be scared, but this book is just good and I keep reading it.

I recommend it for zombie believers, thrill readers (is that the term for people who like reading thrillers?) and those looking for something interesting and different (with loads of political commentary weaved in).

As for my zombie theory ... I just wonder whether or not computers will rise against us before it happens. One of the two is kind of bound to happen eventually with our obsession with technology and medical science. Here's a wonderful (but kind of old) PSA for those of you who don't have a zombie plan. You need one and the people at Rooster Teeth have created the best PSA out there via the awesome Web show Red vs Blue.

I've got my zombie plan, do you?

'Nuff said,

PS. Red vs Blue is amazing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is Why I Love Baseball Players

Russell Martin being a Badass

That's badass. I love how casually Russell Martin throws it.

I really hated the weekend series with the Angels. It sucks to lose to them. Angel fans, for the most part, are pretty annoying so that did suck.

Overall, I'm not too worried about the Dodger offense, but I am a little worried about Andre Ethier. His first at-bat was just ... weird. He swung his hardest at two really, really bad pitches to strike out. Andre hardly ever swings at pitches like that! It worries me because he's the type of player that is a true perfectionist.

We all knew he wouldn't likely be hitting near .400 all season but this slump he's in since he's returned from the DL seemed to have really gotten to him over the weekend. He wasn't the patient Andre Ethier with one of the most gorgeous swings I've ever seen; he was ... someone else. I don't know who, but it was pretty bad. I just hope the day off yesterday did him some good.

I hope it did all the Dodgers some good. They're such a fun team to watch so it's difficult to watch a series like the one against Anaheim where nothing seems to work.

Then again, it's a long season and there are definitely going to be some bumps in the road along the way. It's just unfortunate one of the Dodgers' had to be against the Angels. Sad day.

Anyways, my last post was quite a rant so I figured I'd go out on a lighter note today. Hope the Lakers and the Dodgers win tonight!

'Nuff said,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Words are Rarely Just Words

So I've made a decision.

I refuse to vote for any political candidate who uses the words "conservative" or "liberal". I am over those adjectives. I believe they have been used to fuel a ridiculous idiocy in America and am sick of it.

I can't handle politics. It disgusts me to see grown, educated men and women acting so terribly, so publicly and being praised for it. I cringe when watching political "reports" on certain news channels and it's become so bad that I get most of my information from internet so I don't have to actually hear people talk about it. So when it comes to election times and I have to hear these ridiculous adjectives used constantly and in such a degrading fashion in commercials and news stories it really annoys me.

I don't see the point of it or see why it works. Why use words meant specifically to tear the country apart? What the hell is the point of causing a larger divide in the political system?

I just don't get it. I have views that could be considered both "liberal" and "conservative" on different subjects and I'm sure many, many others do too. So what's the point of forcing people into a box they'll never completely fit in anyways?

Also, I live in Southern California ... so how does any of that crap actually work in our elections? I thought we were all supposed to be intellectual hippies or something?Or is that just NorCal? It's sad it has come to this.

In the Evangelical "Christian"community it's even worse. Since when does going to a Baptist church make someone a "conservative" or a Republican? Since when does being a "Christian" make all of our thoughts the same? And who the heck are these "liberals" threatening to destroy the fabric of society? Seriously, someone point me to a "liberal" who does any less damage than an over zealous "conservative"?

Because, trust me, I've watched and  listened to some of these highly praised "conservatives" and they spew just as much hate as the "liberals" trying to take them down.

It just ... it just doesn't make sense. I'd like to believe that people are above this; that there really aren't people out there falling for all the hype of this stupidity. But, alas, nearly every day I'm proved wrong. I hear a conservative bashing the liberal media and a liberal talking about the narrow-minded conservative. It's gotten out of control.

People are ALWAYS going to go about things differently. No matter what we will have different value systems and different ways of thinking ... I thought the job of the media was to keep the government in check and the job of the government was to listen to the voice of the people and do it's job with the idea of being a fair representation. I'm probably wrong because all any of them seem to do is attack each other and try to make stupid little things bigger than they are.

I'm sorry. It was election time in California recently and I just got sick of the everything. I ranted, but I don't think I feel any better about it. I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican by the way, when I registered to vote I wanted to think about it so I didn't check a box and am, therefore, an Independent. I watch TV and don't want to belong to either one so I stay Independent.

I could never be a political journalist or, maybe, never even a news writer because I would want to say "Shut the hell up and get to the issue, already" or something to that extent.

It just bugs me.

'Nuff Said,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Third Time's the Charm ... Or is it the Fourth?

This is the third or fourth time this week I've opened my "New Post" window to blog ... and only the first where I'm actually going to write something.

I wouldn't say I have had writer's block though, I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to say. I realize I'm not always very entertaining and, lately, I've been on a bit of a stress roller coaster so I've been venting via Rock Band with my brother, his girlfriend my, other brother and a couple friends most of the week. Again, not very entertaining.

But since I seriously have nothing left to do at work and it isn't even lunch I figured I could find something interesting somewhere.

And I did!

Tuesday I had about an hour to kill at work and I was on Facebook and found something pretty funny. It's a list of 50 Fact About Andre Ethier:

A List of 50 Little Known Facts Regarding Baseball's Andre Ethier

Most of it is kind of lame, but there are a few good ones in there. Besides, Andre's been on the DL and some days (like yesterday when no one could seem to get an RBI whenever the opportunity presented itself) I've really missed him.

This has been a really dull work week so far. Not much to do here and very few customers at my other job. Sad day.

That's all I have to say. A whole week and the only thing I could come up with was this ... that's sad. Well, there's more but I don't want to make another scatter-brained post so soon. I'm going to stop typing now before this gets any worse.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Different ... But Probably the Same

I want a new job.

I don't particularly need one as I have 2 part time ones but I'd really like to change at least one. Work at the smoothie shop in West Covina is hard to deal with. The boss forces me to listen to crappy music on 104.3 fm (seriously, the station is schizophrenic in the worst ways) all day, it doesn't get very busy, I have to work all my shifts alone now and the stylists from the salon come over and gossip ... it's a job and occasionally it's fun, but for the most part I hate going in.

The office in Orange isn't so bad, I just get bored. I've come to realize office work isn't really for me. I need something more stimulating than spreadsheets and numbers and more variety on a day to day basis. Plus, I often don't have much to do. My boss gives me tasks but I finish them too quickly apparently then have to wait for a couple hours until I'm needed. The money's worth it though. I just feel bad sometimes because I don't need to work.

So I applied for some other stuff ... but I realized I may just be applying for the same kinds of work. Ah well, I just need a change. It'd be nice to do something with more variety.

Wow, I just got asked to write "Original" in yellow highlighter on 103 pieces of paper which I copied this morning. I better go do it before the excitement overwhelms me.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Scatter-brained Bunny

I haven't been sure about what to blog about lately ... there seems to be a lot yet not much. So this may be a bit of a scatter-brain blog. Writing down a few random things usually helps me cut through writer's block.

1. First off, the Daily Titan 50th Anniversary Banquet was okay. Not many people I knew showed up but I had a good time with Jess, Amy and Christee. We even got a little drama as they didn't ask any of the staffers (myself, Jess and Amy included) who worked on the Nick Adenhart extra to speak. Jess was an awesome Exec Editor. We're not even her staff anymore and she fought to get us recognition. The whole things made me miss writing and editing again. I loved my time at the DT and the Sports section was just a lot of fun. Michal join Amy, Christee and I afterwards in Downtown Fullerton. That was cool too. It was good to see Michal. He helped me and taught me a lot so I've always thought of him as ... hmm ... like a mentor or something.

2. Christee and I got to talking at Heroes and I think I might want to teach English. I've never minded kids and teaching has been in the back of my mind before but I always pushed to be a writer. Truth is, I enjoyed being a tutor and I really am a grammar nerd. I like school and I like learning too. So I'm really considering going back to school to get my masters and credential. I can always freelance write too so I don't really have to give anything up. I've learned I'm not big on office jobs, I need more variety to stay happy. That's one thing the newspaper offered. It was routine in that we had to go in every day and do work, but something new and different happened every day. Teaching offers that variety too, I think. I still need to think this through though.

3. I went to my first Dodger game of the season last Thursday! They lost but I liked our seats and the game was fun. Plus, they won three straight right after so I can't be upset. Actually, in May I'll be going to three Dodger games! Holy crap! The college group at my church is going this Friday, I'm going on the 18th for Andre Ethier Bobblehead night and I'm going to see them on the 28th in Denver. I'm flying out there and taking my niece for her graduation present. It's a Go Blue kind of month I guess.

4. I've been really up and down spiritually lately. Just can't seem to feel settled or relaxed ... or calm. I put too much pressure on myself sometimes and it affects my relationship with God. I'd like to find a way to fix that. It doesn't help that I don't like to talk to people about it though. Sunday, we talked about accepting our weaknesses and realizing everyone is broken, but I struggle with that. I'm the type to hide my weaknesses and keep everything inside. For a while, I was using my journal to talk to God but I've gotten away from that recently. I should find it and try that again.

5. I hate American Idol ... but I might love Lee DeWyze. I think I'll talk more about that tomorrow.

6. I'm going to visit my big brother tomorrow I think. If not I'll do it Thursday. Part of my turmoil has been missing him more lately. My brother was so strong and easy to rely on and I really miss that about him. Memorial Day is coming up soon too so it makes me think of him.

7. That felt refreshing!

'Nuff Said,

Friday, April 30, 2010

Good Times at the Titan

Tomorrow I am excited to be going to the Daily Titan 50th Anniversary Banquet.

The more I think about it, the more excited I am. I'm excited to see my DT friends again and I am happy just to have been a part of the DT for the year I was. Writing and editing for The Daily Titan was seriously the most fun I had in college.

I got along with the staff and, while we all worked hard, were always stressed out and were there from early in the day to late at night ... it was a good time. My time at the Titan as a staff writer and Sports Editor was awesome. The hardest work I ever had to do but the most rewarding and most fun. I can't believe a year has passed since then. I still remember most of it like it just happened.

I miss it. I miss the people and the job and loving what I did so much, I miss it but I'm glad for it. Remembering my time there makes me want to go back into it again.

I know my thoughts are all over the place right now, but I just wanted to say I'm excited for tomorrow. I hope  a lot of the staff show up. We had fun and accomplished a lot so I hope they show and I know if they do it'll be a good time.

The majority of the Spring '09 Editorial Staff graduated together :)
More of the DT staff at the after party for the Spring '09 Daily Titan Banquet
That's all.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Try Mutemath Already

Maybe it is that I had a  few friends at Coachella over the weekend or maybe it is just my state of mind but I'm on a music kick lately and strongly campaigning for a band I love called MuteMath.

My friend Jason first  introduced me to MuteMath in mid-2007. He'd been a fan for about a year I believe, which makes sense because the Mutemath album came out in January 2006. When he first told me about them my response was "Yeah, yeah I'll check them out," but I didn't really listen. Then I heard Noticed and I was hooked. I listened to them via MySpace for a while before getting Jason to give me the album and it just happened to be around the time Typical came out as a single. I enjoyed the band and listened to the album but it took me a while to appreciate it.

One day I was listening to You Are Mine and something clicked. I played the entire album through and just enjoyed the music. I was excited when Spotlight went on the Twilight Soundtrack because I knew it would mean better exposure for the band. I practically giggled with joy when I saw the video being played before a few games at Dodger Stadium too. Once that song came out I started trying to campaign for Mutemath with my friends a little more. Then they released Armistice.

Armistice is a very good album. I definitely recommend it. In my opinion, it's even stronger lyrically and musically than Mutemath was. It's  good all the way through and really easy to listen to. The weakest song is probably The Nerve (the first song) but it's not a bad song, just not as strong as songs like Pins and Needles or Backfire or Clipping or Lost Year or Electrify.

That reminds me, Wankavision had a really cool article about them:

I enjoy Wonkavision when I can find it. It's a really cool magazine, too bad it's based on the East Coast. I think my friend Danny would do well writing there - he's cool and hip and indie like the magazine.

Anyways, I have yet to see Mutemath live. I hear nothing but good things about their shows but when I found out they were playing in SoCal last time it was was only one show and I had already promised to attend Oktoberfest with my friends the same night (also a good time, by the way). Then I found out they would be at Coachella but couldn't afford the show. BUMMER.

What bums me out most is my cousins did not check out their Coachella show ... and neither did anyone at KROQ apparently because there's nothing on the Website about their set. My cousins would probably dig Mutemath, but they can't dig them if they don't try them out!

So anyone looking for a good band with a unique sound try Mutemath already!

'Nuff Said,

Monday, April 19, 2010

It Might Get Loud ... Kickass!

I didn't get to the Dodger game Saturday ... and, for once, I'm glad. That game kind of hurt to watch. Ouch. But they did win Sunday and take the series! Over the weekend I did watch some cool movies though.

First, I saw Kickass. It was funny, cool and an overall good superhero type of movie. I enjoyed it ... and I'm very much thinking about being Hit Girl for Halloween.

The other movie I saw was It Might Get Loud. It was a very cool movie. I loved it.

It's a documentary featuring The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White about how they got to where they are and mostly about their guitars. It's a really cool, well-made movie with some really interesting points of views from three very different artists who have this one thing in common. It's insane to hear Edge talk about how much fun he has with using technology to change simple riffs into something amazing and complex and then hear Jack White say technology kills creativity. It shows their differences as artists yet it is clear they respect each other. And who wouldn't want to jam with Jimmy Page?

There's this scene where Page starts playing the riff for Whole Lotta Love and The Edge literally gets out of his chair to get a closer look and Jack White leans forward. They share a grin like two kids being amazed by this riff for the first time. Another part I loved was listening as Edge played early recordings of Where the Streets Have No Name from when U2 was trying to figure out how to structure the song. You can hear Bono sing the beat as Edge reminisces how the song came together. It was also insane to watch Jack White play on stage until his fingers bled!

The movie gives a unique look at the guitar and the artists behind it. My favorite scene was hearing Edge talk about his inspiration for Sunday Bloody Sunday.

I'll admit I am a bit biased. My dad and aunt have always loved Led Zeppelin so I grew up with their music around and I've seen U2 live twice and adore them (I'm also reading U2 by U2 right now and really am enjoying the book and loving The Edge more every chapter) so I knew I'd enjoy them. I've liked stuff I've heard from Jack White but never appreciated his love for and dedication to music until I saw this movie.

All three artist light up like little kids when talking about their guitars or songs that inspired them, it's nice to see that. If you love rock, blues, the guitar or any of these artist check it out. You probably won't nerd out like me, but I think you'll enjoy it.

That's all for now.

'Nuff said,

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vegas Was Fun But ...

I have to talk about my Dodgers today!

Last night my man Andre Ethier came up with another walk-off hit! I honestly have to say ... I knew it was going to happen. Once the pitcher threw that wild pitch and the runners advanced I knew Andre was going to get the hit! Very cool.

Sexy Andre Ethier - taken by my brother against the D-backs last season
The Dodgers haven't been playing particularly fantastic lately so it was a cool win. I know Andre had a chance the night before but he can't get a walk-off every single time, it's amazing that he gets them as often as he does!

Yes, I love Andre Ethier. He's a sexy, awesome baseball player with a beautiful swing.

Anyways I haven't posted much about Vegas other than the fact that Muse was ridiculously amazing in concert, but I don't think I really will put too much up there. I mean, it was Vegas - good times.

There is this bar that every time Kristin and I go to we make international friends. It's in the New York New York right outside the Coyote Ugly. When we went there at 4:30 am during Kristin's birthday we made some friends with these Australian dudes who sang Happy Birthday to Kristin followed by some Australian cheer and bought us drinks and when we went there again Friday night we made friends with a couple British dudes and some desperate but sweet and funny Canadian ladies. The ladies were really into Gary (one of the Brits) and he was happy Kristin and I got between them to get our drinks. Kristin chatted with Stu while the Canadian chicks talked to me. Then I talked to Gary then we both ended up talking to Stu about Muse. It was pretty awesome. I love that bar.

Ben and Kristin - I love this pic
The other cool thing other than the concert was that I actually won on the slots! I lost my ass Friday but got it all back and about $10 extra Saturday so it was nice. I'm not a big gambler but it is fun ... especially when there is winning involved.

That's all for now, really. I want to go to the Dodger game tomorrow and watch Tim Lincecum pitch (hopefully he can pitch and the Dodgers can still win). I know it's bad to want to see a Giant pitch but Lincecum is just that good. Plus I can cheer for the Dodgers and I always enjoy time at Dodger Stadium. I guess I'll see what happens, I do need to go to a game soon.

'Nuff Said,

Monday, April 12, 2010

An Uprising

I FINALLY saw Muse this weekend!! Wow. Wow. WOW! They were incredible! I lost what was left of my voice Saturday night and it has yet to fully return.

Seriously, one of the absolute best live bands I have ever heard! People told me I was going to love it, but I didn't want to build things up too much in my head and be disappointed. I definitely was not. They were fantastic. The awesome towers, the lights and their (especially Matt's) stage command was amazing. I do love Matt Bellamy; his voice and talent are just ridiculous.

I do wish my section would have been better. We were back kinda far I guess but it seemed like every section but ours was on their feet the entire time. I don't see at all how anyone could sit through Muse's live show (with the exception of my best friend Kristin who got beer dumped all over her feet, shoes and pants) ... but whatever, I enjoyed them thoroughly. And it was a long time coming.

I first heard Muse in late 2004/ early 2005. I was watching TV and an add about this British band came on MTV 2 (yes, it was back in the days when I occasionally still tried to watch MTV). I heard a part of Time is Running Out and needed more. A couple months later I was talking to my cousin about how I'd heard this awesome band but didn't know where to physically get their CD. She had just gotten it and we were stoked to actually have found someone else who liked the band. I burned the CD and the rest is history.

I wasn't a rabid fangirl (adore their music but have avoided scary status, thankfully) but I loved and appreciated their music and always recommended them to friends. I turned some family and friends on to them too. I even made a friend in college mainly because she was a huge fan and she recommended I listen to Origin of Symmetry. I did but by then Black Holes and Revelations was coming out so I focused on trying to get that. I went back later and listened to it and some of Showbiz too. The more I heard, the more I liked the band. I was so excited when other people started liking them and began working on seeing them in concert but the timing was always wrong. Either I was broke, out of town, both or the shows were sold out. That part did suck.

Now that I've seen Muse live ... I need to see them again! Really, I do. They rocked but there are so many songs I have not yet watched them play!

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Plug in Baby (I really didn't think they'd play that one at all) and stoked to hear Feeling Good and Stockholm Syndrome but those were the only three they played I wasn't sure about.

I didn't get to hear songs I love like Bliss, Exo-Politics, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Invincible, Unintended, Sing for Absolution or Hyper Music ... to name a few (Honestly Sing for Absolution and Hyper Music are doubtful but the others they did play on their live album HAARP). So I've got to see them again for any chance of hearing those songs.

I was also surprised that they didn't do MK Ultra or I Belong to You (Mon Coeur S'Ouvre a te Vioux) off The Resistance but was stoked to hear Unnatural Selection and Undisclosed Desires. 

Anyways, I picked up a shirt (it's my thing, I always get a shirt with the tour dates on it when I go to a show) and a kick-ass poster (can't remember the last time I bought one of those) so all in all it was a fantastic night. I was definitely in outer space the rest of the trip. They really are my new favorite live band! They are up there with U2, Coldplay and The Hives in terms of fantastic live shows.

Vegas was pretty fun too. I'll post about it later.

'Nuff Said,

Friday, April 9, 2010

C'est la Vie

I hate being sick. Truly, hate it.

I'm sure no one enjoys being sick but I despise it. I feel gross and useless and hate doing anything at all. Unfortunately, I am sick a lot. I have a crappy immune system or something and I'm sick at least 4 - 5 times a year.

Of course, I am sick right now.

Yet another reason I hate getting sick so often is the timing. This weekend is my long awaited, highly anticipated Muse concert in Vegas ... and I'm sick ... not funny, life.

I skipped work yesterday to do my best to fight this off and I do feel better, but I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be. I still have a sore, scratchy throat and am stuffed up ... ugh!

I am determined not to let this bring down my weekend. The result will likely be me getting more sick after it is over ... but it's Muse and they are worth it..

So adios vocal chords and sinuses be prepared for a DayQuil onslaught because I will be having as much fun as possible either way. I need this weekend, I need the break, I need some good times.

Pray that I survive it.

'Nuff Said,

Friday, April 2, 2010

"In the Name of the Moon, I Shall Punish You"

I've let it be known that I'm a slight video game nerd, so I might as well say I'm a little bit of an anime nerd too.

I'm not hardcore but there are a handful of anime/manga that I will proudly nerd-out for. Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bebop have to be my top 2 ... and recently I have been indulging my inner Sailor Moon.

In 2004 they released a live-action Sailor Moon series in Japan and it is EPIC! Don't get me wrong, it's bad - really bad - but it is oh so good at the same time. And who doesn't love Power Ranger-esque fight scenes like this:

Yeah, I know. Awesome.

Seriously though, I actually kind of like it. So far (I'm only 17 episodes in) it's stayed pretty close to the manga - closer than the anime had been at this point anyways. It expands on the girls being in school and not solving their problems in one episode. I like that they use wigs when they transform too. The girls always looking exactly the same when they transformed yet never being discovered was one thing you learned to live with in the anime/manga, but this way makes sense.

It's hilariously bad, but fantastic and I'm addicted. I even kinda wanna learn the hand motions - they're that cool.

And just because I know you all want to see more than just Sailor Moon's transformation here is a little present (the Sailor Luna part is only for the live action show for a few episodes):

Life on the moon is pretty epic.

'Nuff Said,

*Note - I have since continued farther into the show and it goes way off both the anime and manga for a while ... still epic though.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I've always thought one of the constants in life is that things will change. Lately, I've been going through one of those periods of constant change, and so has my niece.

We've been sharing a room now for nearly six months - it's been quite an experience. When she first moved in I think she thought things were going to be similar to where she was before, but that didn't happen. It's not a good or a bad thing, we're just different.

First, everyone in my house, aside from my nearly 2-year-old nephew, is an adult. It had to be difficult going from a house where you're the older one to being the youngest. We had "privileges" she didn't simply because we are older. We'd already been through all the "restrictions" she now had.

Second, she had to go to school - a tiny private school. My niece was being home-schooled but she was behind on credits. Before that she was at the biggest high school in Victorville. My parents wanted her to  go to public school but because she was behind they wouldn't take her. They put her in the school I went to in order to catch up. It was small (even smaller than when I attended) and she was one of the only people there who didn't profess to being a Christian. It started out as extremely difficult. She felt suffocated and that her efforts were never enough. I saw her get down knew she wasn't liking school, but all I could do was my best to encourage her. In my experience everything is what you make it and that was all I could tell her.

Third, she had to go to church. Whenever my parents go, she goes. From conversations we'd had it seemed like she was more against Christians than Christianity and, sadly, I could see where she would get that from. As Christians, we're sometimes the biggest reason people don't want to look at Christ - especially when we damn them for being different or, heaven-forbid, having a different opinion than we do.

Those were probably the three main challenges she faced, but as I was dealing with my own problems and as we shared a room, things began to shift. She became more open. I could tell she really wanted somewhere to belong. Her school is small and she needed more socialization. I started attending a college group at a big church and told her we were going through the book Unchristian and would be discussing homosexuality one week. She asked to go and hear what they though so I took her. That's when I first noticed her change.

I'm not sure her reasons for wanting to go, but I know the message and the people there touched her. She won a copy of the book and read it all the way through. She went again and asked to go to the high school group at that church.

Please don't think I forced her into anything. On Sundays when she didn't want to go to church I never made her. She asked so I took her. I never had any agenda other than hoping she'd meet interesting people. It was her open mind I saw at work. I was impressed.

I am not entirely sure how she feels about church or God right now. I know she attended church when she was young but things in her life changed her mind, and that's fine. It's her journey. But I see a girl who has more people to talk to in a new environment. And isn't that a job of the church? To allow people to come in and not worry about converting them, but show them love and get to know them. After that, they can decide if they like what they see and want to learn more.

I know I'm changing because of her. I look more carefully at what I do and try to be open to things she has to say. I make an effort not to force conversion or ask what she thinks about faith but just let her be herself. When you're taught to evangelize, it's difficult to remember showing God's love and looking for His patience and kindness in others is important too.

Now she has another challenge to face. Another thing I can't do for her. She has people who see this change and don't like it. People who dislike Christians who have been close-minded and put them down, but don't have an open-mind when it comes to Christianity. Yes, lots of Christians are close-minded and hypocritical and try to make you feel guilty, but that is not every Christian. Not being open-minded towards Christians is the pot calling the kettle black. I don't know how this will turn out, but I'm sure it'll change us both once again.

'Nuff said,

p.s. How do you like my pretty new template? I played with the new editor for a while, but I don't know any HTML or anything so this is probably as good as it' gonna get.

Friday, March 26, 2010

"I'm hungry for some unrest ..."

Life on the moon has been pretty crazy lately. I am exhausted.

I haven't been this wiped out in a while, but I'm kind of digging it. I missed being busy. I just wish I had some more cash to show for it. Apparently,  I'm not in the system at my job in Orange so I haven't been paid yet, even though I'm just finishing my third week here.

Last weekend I got a bit more drunk than I'd planned because of it. I'm a fun drunk so it's okay, but I just needed to let go a little. If I didn't, I was afraid I'd actually go crazy. The result was a headache in church (never a good way to attend), but after I got hydrated and rested I was fine.

Our college group's first meeting went really well! We had twice as many people as we were expecting and every one seemed to enjoy it. I had to present the first lesson/discussion so that's another reason I was stressed, but it went over well. That's definitely only through God's help because I was crazy nervous.

Right after the success we had minor drama though, it was frustrating but it worked out. We're lucky too, because it had the potential to be really bad.

Still, all the work and stress is just making me more excited to go to Vegas and see Muse! The Title is a line from "Unnatural Selection". Good song.

Two of my friends saw them in Houston and told me how great the show was so the excitement keeps building! I can't wait for this trip!

That's all really. I was just trying to kill some time before work wrapped up. I finished all I could today and needed to stay longer.

'Nuff Said,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tardiness is a No-no

I do not like to be late. Considering the fact that I am half Mexican and come from a Mexican family who typically runs on "Mexican time" it seems odd but it's true.

I'll admit I can be flexible about tardiness but only when it comes to two things: family events and church events. When we have a family event I do not stress about being late because I know no one will be there on time anyways. Church is pretty much the same thing - though not as big of a stretch. Family events I give 30 min. to an hour from the starting and don't make plans after because it goes until we decide to leave. For church I give10 - 15 minutes from start time and 30 minutes ending time. I realize this is just how it goes.

In everything else I get a little anal about being on time. I freak out when I'm running late.

I drive faster and more aggressively, I get irritable and I start to believe that the world hates me and is trying to keep me from getting to me destination on time.

The last part is a direct result of the first two ... but I swear it's true.

This morning Kristin picked me up 15 minutes late (we carpool Fridays and it was her turn to drive) but there was no traffic on the 57 so we were making really good time ... until we decided we wanted coffee. All of the sudden near the off-ramp we hit a bunch of traffic - for no reason. We got off an exit early, but it literally took at least 5 minutes at the first light. Then we hit every red light. I was getting seriously annoyed because Starbucks isn't exactly fast and I did not want to be late for work.

Lucky for me, Kristin gets less annoyed about punctuality and suggested we stop at McDonald's because it is typically faster. There was a long line at the drive-through so we went inside. It worked. We were in and out in about 5 minutes and made it to work on time.

Maybe I should work on being more like Kristin. I mean I keep my calm just fine the rest of the time and because of how much I freak out when I'm running late I usually end up there within 5 minutes of the time (sometimes early) but it would definitely be less stressful to look at things differently ... then again, it isn't that easy for me.

I think it is because of my family always running late that I get annoyed. I don't like waiting around and I really dislike making any one wait for me. I'll admit, however, it does get a bit ridiculous. It always ends up not being a big deal.

So I will work on that because I have enough stress in my life to be worrying so much about 5 minutes.

'Nuff said,