Monday, June 28, 2010

Killing Time

I finished World War Z. It was definitely a good book and only caused two zombie nightmares! Once again, I recommend it. It's entertaining and creepily immaginable. I've never been in to zombie stuff all that much (other than playing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 on my X-box) but I really did enjoy it.

In other news, I've been listening to the Roosterteeth podcast The Drunk Tank the last month or so. I really like it. I was first introduced to Red vs Blue in 2006 or so and have pretty much been watching ever since (not always regularly but I manage to catch up) but I'd never really checked out the other stuff they do.
It's good stuff. I subscribe to a couple podcast but don't listen to/watch many regularly but this one makes me want to look for more good ones. Suggestions are appreciated.

I've also been thinking I might try doing one with my niece. She's said before she wants to be a voice actress, but since moving in with us she hasn't done much with it. When she was at her grandma's she was really into voice acting online and I know she wants to but she feels bad using my computer for it. I figure if we do this it'll get her back into it without feeling guilty while also giving her something to do over the summer. Apparently 16-year-olds need entertainment occasionally. I wouldn't mind just trying it out either. Honestly, I've always kind of wanted to try voice acting or being on radio or something to that effect but have never done so. I've been told I have a nice voice over the phone so if this goes well enough maybe I can get a glimpse of what it's like. 

I need something creative to do anyways. My jobs aren't exactly "stimulating".

I can't think of anything else to say right now. I have more but I don't want to make a gigantic post, like usual. So adios!

'Nuff Said,

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