Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want to run, I want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside

This is so cool:

I love Muse and I love U2 and I love this song! So it's good all around. Never thought I'd see Muse do a cover of U2 ... I'm sad I didn't actually see it live.

Anyways, I've had to avoid posting the last few days. I got really worked up over something that happened in church on the 4th of July and had to actually walk out. I really dislike people bringing politics into church. Let's say we'll pray for the leaders and leave it at that ... taking the opportunity of "having pride in your country" to bring up what you think is wrong with it ... not cool.

Sometimes I listen to people and think "My brother died for this shit?" Especially on a day like the 4th all about our country and soldiers and stuff. I don't know ... maybe I'm too sensitive.

When my brother first died I was surprised at how little anger I felt about these things. I was pretty numb to all of it for a long time and easily ignored it, but lately that hasn't been the case at all. I get really angry when people drag politics into the church or go out bashing policies and things they know nothing about under the guise of "supporting" our troops.

So yeah ... as you can see I still am a little miffed. There was no way I could make a rational post after that happened. I almost left the service all together. It ended up being good I didn't but that still bugs me.

Speaking of my brother, he was always in to Eminem. I got a copy of his new Recovery album and am really enjoying it. Slim Shady has always been great, but this cd is so refreshing! Just straight up talent without any stupid auto tune and crap. I know my brother would like it too. We listened to a lot of Eminem in his car.

The cd is worth checking out. It's basically good all the way through. I'm not going to claim to be an expert in rap music, but I don't flat out hate the genre and I like what I like. It's good.

That's all for now.

'Nuff said,

p.s. In case you didn't know, the title is a line from Where the Streets Have No Name

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