Friday, June 11, 2010

Words are Rarely Just Words

So I've made a decision.

I refuse to vote for any political candidate who uses the words "conservative" or "liberal". I am over those adjectives. I believe they have been used to fuel a ridiculous idiocy in America and am sick of it.

I can't handle politics. It disgusts me to see grown, educated men and women acting so terribly, so publicly and being praised for it. I cringe when watching political "reports" on certain news channels and it's become so bad that I get most of my information from internet so I don't have to actually hear people talk about it. So when it comes to election times and I have to hear these ridiculous adjectives used constantly and in such a degrading fashion in commercials and news stories it really annoys me.

I don't see the point of it or see why it works. Why use words meant specifically to tear the country apart? What the hell is the point of causing a larger divide in the political system?

I just don't get it. I have views that could be considered both "liberal" and "conservative" on different subjects and I'm sure many, many others do too. So what's the point of forcing people into a box they'll never completely fit in anyways?

Also, I live in Southern California ... so how does any of that crap actually work in our elections? I thought we were all supposed to be intellectual hippies or something?Or is that just NorCal? It's sad it has come to this.

In the Evangelical "Christian"community it's even worse. Since when does going to a Baptist church make someone a "conservative" or a Republican? Since when does being a "Christian" make all of our thoughts the same? And who the heck are these "liberals" threatening to destroy the fabric of society? Seriously, someone point me to a "liberal" who does any less damage than an over zealous "conservative"?

Because, trust me, I've watched and  listened to some of these highly praised "conservatives" and they spew just as much hate as the "liberals" trying to take them down.

It just ... it just doesn't make sense. I'd like to believe that people are above this; that there really aren't people out there falling for all the hype of this stupidity. But, alas, nearly every day I'm proved wrong. I hear a conservative bashing the liberal media and a liberal talking about the narrow-minded conservative. It's gotten out of control.

People are ALWAYS going to go about things differently. No matter what we will have different value systems and different ways of thinking ... I thought the job of the media was to keep the government in check and the job of the government was to listen to the voice of the people and do it's job with the idea of being a fair representation. I'm probably wrong because all any of them seem to do is attack each other and try to make stupid little things bigger than they are.

I'm sorry. It was election time in California recently and I just got sick of the everything. I ranted, but I don't think I feel any better about it. I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican by the way, when I registered to vote I wanted to think about it so I didn't check a box and am, therefore, an Independent. I watch TV and don't want to belong to either one so I stay Independent.

I could never be a political journalist or, maybe, never even a news writer because I would want to say "Shut the hell up and get to the issue, already" or something to that extent.

It just bugs me.

'Nuff Said,


  1. Politics is just school-yard drama for grown-ups, only as you've already pointed out, the ridiculousness of it is intensified ten-fold. It's bad on my part, but I don't pay any attention to the propaganda - couldn't tell the difference between a liberal or a republican... hell, I don't even watch TV! So at least you're more aware of what is going on around you and have more of an incentive (so to speak) to say what you want to say.

    Perhaps someone telling them to stop acting like big babies and to address the issues they promised to deal with is what they need. Because they sure aren't going to while their slinging mud at each other. I believe the media has been given too much power over the years.

    - Kez

  2. Hahaha not watching TV is apparently a commonality among college students. I hardly watched any at all and honestly even now I don't really like it. Most of the time it's just on as noise in the background while I do something else ... though when the noise gets through I get annoyed. I don't think it helps that I watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report when I do watch some TV. They're excellent at pointing out all these stupidities and after I laugh I get upset. lol.

    Meh, I was a journalism major ... I don't think the media has been given too much power, so to speak. I just think business and sensationalism have caused it to abuse the power it has. Instead of defending the people they divide and cause uproar to make money. Again, I just find it all pretty sad.
