Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Advocating Advocacy

Today is "Ad Day" or something. First, I want to Save the Blue Like Jazz Movie. Donald Miller is my favorite Christian author and it really makes me sad that they were able to put together a solid script and good cast but lose out because they can't fund it and still keep it the way it's written.

According to Donald Miller's Blog, Miller is trying to present the movie as he writes, honestly. And sometimes being honest means doing away with the stereotype that every kid being raised in a Christian home is or should be perfect so their having trouble raising the dough. Check it out here.

I'd like to donate once I get paid Tuesday so someone needs to hold me to that.

Next, I'm advocating Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity. It's about time someone tried to get a bunch of non-extremists together. It's disgusting how much politicians and "news" channels try to tear the country apart. Really, it makes me sick to be told I'm not a Christian if I support Obama because he's some white-hating, Muslim, Socialist and Communist - especially when I don't think these people actually know the difference between Socialism and Communism. And I'm just as sick of hearing that I'm a bigot because I subscribe to a system of beliefs or having it assumed that I want to burn Korans and beat gays because I dislike a policy or am somewhat offended when someone belittles my .
I also like the idea of Stephen Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive too. I love how Colbert plays on the ridiculousness of the media.
I wish I could go to the rally ... in fact I'm trying to see if I can work it out financially but I am in California and it is in DC so we shall see.

It'd be nice to see American media "Take it Down a Notch". Polarization has gotten out of control - the way to keep this country going is to work together not by verbally or physically beating those with differing ideals. It seemed like media had come a long way since the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers back when journalism was planting it's roots in America and the fact that we're back there after knowing all we know now is just sad. Here's the video of Stewart's announcement because I love it.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

My favorite sign is the "spiders" one but I also love the "not Hitler" one.

That's all. I advocated and ranted a bit so I'm finished.

'Nuff said,

Edit: The Blue Like Jazz movie was saved!!

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