Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Annoyances and Zombies!

An update from my last post: The Dodgers found their offense and Andre Ethier hit a home run on Wednesday! His at-bats have looked better so I hope that means he's out of the slump. The Lakers won Tuesday and then won Game 7 last night!

In other news, life really has been throwing the little annoyances my way lately.

I know I'm easily annoyed but some of these things ... I mean, people do have brains right? It's just lack of thinking or lack of common courtesy that really manage to get to me. Lately, it seems like it's running rampant though. It makes me an unhappy Bunny. Sad day.

Speaking of brains, I also finally have gotten around to reading World War Z! I got it for Christmas, but I got a lot of books for Christmas and have just gotten around to starting it this week.

Holy frijoles, Batman, this book is scary! It's not a typical zombie slasher kind of book. The reason it is so scary is that I could actually see some of this happening! The governments trying to cover their tracks to keep other governments from finding out about the initial infections, the unexpected countries using nukes, the panic in comfort-driven America - it is written in a way that seems incredibly plausible. 

I'm enjoying the book but, I'm not gonna lie, I have had a couple crazy zombie dreams and one borderline nightmare. Normally I'm not into scary books or movies. I'm naturally jumpy so I don't like to be scared, but this book is just good and I keep reading it.

I recommend it for zombie believers, thrill readers (is that the term for people who like reading thrillers?) and those looking for something interesting and different (with loads of political commentary weaved in).

As for my zombie theory ... I just wonder whether or not computers will rise against us before it happens. One of the two is kind of bound to happen eventually with our obsession with technology and medical science. Here's a wonderful (but kind of old) PSA for those of you who don't have a zombie plan. You need one and the people at Rooster Teeth have created the best PSA out there via the awesome Web show Red vs Blue.

I've got my zombie plan, do you?

'Nuff said,

PS. Red vs Blue is amazing.

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