Friday, September 3, 2010

And I'll find strength in pain, And I will change my ways, I'll know my name as it's called again

I am in love with this song. I may be falling for this band too - their lyrics are fantastic.

I wish I would've been super cool and hip and heard of them sooner, but as soon as I heard Little Lion Man I looked them up. Then I listened to more of their stuff this week ... and I love it.

I am a sucker for British and Irish folk-y music. There's something about it I really love. My dad says it's because I am Irish and that's probably true but no one else on my Irish side of the family seems to like it as much as I do. Seriously, I have The Celtic Woman CD from the PBS concerts - I have the Christmas version too. I just dig it.

This is the link to the official video by the way. I like both versions, I just put the live one up because I happened to be on the page.

Speaking of folk-y kind of music, I also love this version of Til Kingdom Come/ Ring of Fire by Coldplay. I'm sad the embedding was disabled.

Young Pilgrims by The Shins is another folk-y track I enjoy so I'll post it. (I know they are not British or Irish but I love the song).

Other acoustic/folk-ish stuff I like besides the obvious (i.e. Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash): Good Old War (particularly the song Coney Island), Schuyler Fisk (Hello and Fall Apart Today are great), Corrine Bailey Rae and Bandits of the  Acoustic Revolution (acoustic side of Streetlight Manifesto) to name a few. I'm no acoustic/folk expert but I enjoy it once in a while in general. Suggestions are always appreciated!

I've had a lot to say this week but traffic has been awful so I've been in a really bitter mood and thought it best not to rant again. Playing volleyball last night and being told I only have to work half day today have put me in a much better mood today.

Volleyball kicked my ass last night. My legs and lower back are sore. I was definitely rusty from not playing in a while. I'm excited to be playing again. Kristin and I put together a co-ed team too. It should be a good time.

Also I've begun broadcasting volleyball for CSUF again. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it. The first game I had to do play-by-play though (I normally do color) and that was not so great. I had issues with the equipment and then some sound difficulties once we got it fixed - I was a bit flustered because of it all, honestly. It got better though.

Oh, right! And for the first time since I was about 8, I have short hair. It takes a little getting used to (almost been two weeks and I'm just getting used to it being me in the mirror without all my hair) but I really do like it. My sister picked the perfect cut for me to have short hair I think. At first we were going to do a bob but we decided to do layers, so I have more of a pixie cut. I know no one but me cares about my hair but it's a really big deal for me. I never thought I'd have short hair, but I definitely needed a new cut.

I didn't want to rant and ended up rambling instead, so I'll stop now.

'Nuff Said,

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