Friday, May 28, 2010

Third Time's the Charm ... Or is it the Fourth?

This is the third or fourth time this week I've opened my "New Post" window to blog ... and only the first where I'm actually going to write something.

I wouldn't say I have had writer's block though, I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to say. I realize I'm not always very entertaining and, lately, I've been on a bit of a stress roller coaster so I've been venting via Rock Band with my brother, his girlfriend my, other brother and a couple friends most of the week. Again, not very entertaining.

But since I seriously have nothing left to do at work and it isn't even lunch I figured I could find something interesting somewhere.

And I did!

Tuesday I had about an hour to kill at work and I was on Facebook and found something pretty funny. It's a list of 50 Fact About Andre Ethier:

A List of 50 Little Known Facts Regarding Baseball's Andre Ethier

Most of it is kind of lame, but there are a few good ones in there. Besides, Andre's been on the DL and some days (like yesterday when no one could seem to get an RBI whenever the opportunity presented itself) I've really missed him.

This has been a really dull work week so far. Not much to do here and very few customers at my other job. Sad day.

That's all I have to say. A whole week and the only thing I could come up with was this ... that's sad. Well, there's more but I don't want to make another scatter-brained post so soon. I'm going to stop typing now before this gets any worse.

'Nuff Said,

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