Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The Right to Appear Ridiculous is a Right that I Hold Dear"

Tonight, I am getting my James Loney bobblehead! Isn't it cute?

I'm really excited. I had a ton of fun at the Andre Ethier bobblehead night and I'm going with Kristin, Laura and Jemma so I'm hoping for a good game (should be a pitcher's duel with Kershaw going against Lincecum) and a Dodger win (because we really need it) on top of the fun!

The line in the title is from the U2 song I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. I love the lyrics in this song! Honestly, I like most of U2's lyrics, this song was just stuck in my head and considering the craziness I've endured the last few weeks ... it's kind of true.

I think that's it. Here's the song:

'Nuff Said,

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