Friday, April 2, 2010

"In the Name of the Moon, I Shall Punish You"

I've let it be known that I'm a slight video game nerd, so I might as well say I'm a little bit of an anime nerd too.

I'm not hardcore but there are a handful of anime/manga that I will proudly nerd-out for. Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bebop have to be my top 2 ... and recently I have been indulging my inner Sailor Moon.

In 2004 they released a live-action Sailor Moon series in Japan and it is EPIC! Don't get me wrong, it's bad - really bad - but it is oh so good at the same time. And who doesn't love Power Ranger-esque fight scenes like this:

Yeah, I know. Awesome.

Seriously though, I actually kind of like it. So far (I'm only 17 episodes in) it's stayed pretty close to the manga - closer than the anime had been at this point anyways. It expands on the girls being in school and not solving their problems in one episode. I like that they use wigs when they transform too. The girls always looking exactly the same when they transformed yet never being discovered was one thing you learned to live with in the anime/manga, but this way makes sense.

It's hilariously bad, but fantastic and I'm addicted. I even kinda wanna learn the hand motions - they're that cool.

And just because I know you all want to see more than just Sailor Moon's transformation here is a little present (the Sailor Luna part is only for the live action show for a few episodes):

Life on the moon is pretty epic.

'Nuff Said,

*Note - I have since continued farther into the show and it goes way off both the anime and manga for a while ... still epic though.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember a little girl who had a Power Rangers birthday party once upon a time. ♥
