Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Try Mutemath Already

Maybe it is that I had a  few friends at Coachella over the weekend or maybe it is just my state of mind but I'm on a music kick lately and strongly campaigning for a band I love called MuteMath.

My friend Jason first  introduced me to MuteMath in mid-2007. He'd been a fan for about a year I believe, which makes sense because the Mutemath album came out in January 2006. When he first told me about them my response was "Yeah, yeah I'll check them out," but I didn't really listen. Then I heard Noticed and I was hooked. I listened to them via MySpace for a while before getting Jason to give me the album and it just happened to be around the time Typical came out as a single. I enjoyed the band and listened to the album but it took me a while to appreciate it.

One day I was listening to You Are Mine and something clicked. I played the entire album through and just enjoyed the music. I was excited when Spotlight went on the Twilight Soundtrack because I knew it would mean better exposure for the band. I practically giggled with joy when I saw the video being played before a few games at Dodger Stadium too. Once that song came out I started trying to campaign for Mutemath with my friends a little more. Then they released Armistice.

Armistice is a very good album. I definitely recommend it. In my opinion, it's even stronger lyrically and musically than Mutemath was. It's  good all the way through and really easy to listen to. The weakest song is probably The Nerve (the first song) but it's not a bad song, just not as strong as songs like Pins and Needles or Backfire or Clipping or Lost Year or Electrify.

That reminds me, Wankavision had a really cool article about them: http://www.wonkavisionmagazine.com/webzine/wz3_mute_math.html

I enjoy Wonkavision when I can find it. It's a really cool magazine, too bad it's based on the East Coast. I think my friend Danny would do well writing there - he's cool and hip and indie like the magazine.

Anyways, I have yet to see Mutemath live. I hear nothing but good things about their shows but when I found out they were playing in SoCal last time it was was only one show and I had already promised to attend Oktoberfest with my friends the same night (also a good time, by the way). Then I found out they would be at Coachella but couldn't afford the show. BUMMER.

What bums me out most is my cousins did not check out their Coachella show ... and neither did anyone at KROQ apparently because there's nothing on the Website about their set. My cousins would probably dig Mutemath, but they can't dig them if they don't try them out!

So anyone looking for a good band with a unique sound try Mutemath already!

'Nuff Said,

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