Monday, April 19, 2010

It Might Get Loud ... Kickass!

I didn't get to the Dodger game Saturday ... and, for once, I'm glad. That game kind of hurt to watch. Ouch. But they did win Sunday and take the series! Over the weekend I did watch some cool movies though.

First, I saw Kickass. It was funny, cool and an overall good superhero type of movie. I enjoyed it ... and I'm very much thinking about being Hit Girl for Halloween.

The other movie I saw was It Might Get Loud. It was a very cool movie. I loved it.

It's a documentary featuring The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White about how they got to where they are and mostly about their guitars. It's a really cool, well-made movie with some really interesting points of views from three very different artists who have this one thing in common. It's insane to hear Edge talk about how much fun he has with using technology to change simple riffs into something amazing and complex and then hear Jack White say technology kills creativity. It shows their differences as artists yet it is clear they respect each other. And who wouldn't want to jam with Jimmy Page?

There's this scene where Page starts playing the riff for Whole Lotta Love and The Edge literally gets out of his chair to get a closer look and Jack White leans forward. They share a grin like two kids being amazed by this riff for the first time. Another part I loved was listening as Edge played early recordings of Where the Streets Have No Name from when U2 was trying to figure out how to structure the song. You can hear Bono sing the beat as Edge reminisces how the song came together. It was also insane to watch Jack White play on stage until his fingers bled!

The movie gives a unique look at the guitar and the artists behind it. My favorite scene was hearing Edge talk about his inspiration for Sunday Bloody Sunday.

I'll admit I am a bit biased. My dad and aunt have always loved Led Zeppelin so I grew up with their music around and I've seen U2 live twice and adore them (I'm also reading U2 by U2 right now and really am enjoying the book and loving The Edge more every chapter) so I knew I'd enjoy them. I've liked stuff I've heard from Jack White but never appreciated his love for and dedication to music until I saw this movie.

All three artist light up like little kids when talking about their guitars or songs that inspired them, it's nice to see that. If you love rock, blues, the guitar or any of these artist check it out. You probably won't nerd out like me, but I think you'll enjoy it.

That's all for now.

'Nuff said,

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