Friday, April 9, 2010

C'est la Vie

I hate being sick. Truly, hate it.

I'm sure no one enjoys being sick but I despise it. I feel gross and useless and hate doing anything at all. Unfortunately, I am sick a lot. I have a crappy immune system or something and I'm sick at least 4 - 5 times a year.

Of course, I am sick right now.

Yet another reason I hate getting sick so often is the timing. This weekend is my long awaited, highly anticipated Muse concert in Vegas ... and I'm sick ... not funny, life.

I skipped work yesterday to do my best to fight this off and I do feel better, but I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be. I still have a sore, scratchy throat and am stuffed up ... ugh!

I am determined not to let this bring down my weekend. The result will likely be me getting more sick after it is over ... but it's Muse and they are worth it..

So adios vocal chords and sinuses be prepared for a DayQuil onslaught because I will be having as much fun as possible either way. I need this weekend, I need the break, I need some good times.

Pray that I survive it.

'Nuff Said,

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