Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Going For It

There's been much to discuss and I will catch up on that later but this blog post is going to be straight to the point.

I have decided to sign up for TEFL classes and go to Japan (South Korea is less of a possibility now as my dad would freak because of the recent bombing). I'm terrified but I'm also excited.

I've known for a while that something needed to change in my life. I've always wanted to travel and I've been considering being a teacher so this is a good opportunity to try out both. 

I don't want to have a that nagging "I should have" or "What if" hanging over my head. 

I'm not lying about being terrified - the longest I've been away from my family would be 2 weeks in Australia - so I hope I'll get support for my decision, but even if I don't at least I'll know I went for it.

In my last post I talked about how much I was thinking about it but there's a point where you have to stop thinking, considering or wishing and do something. I've been wanting to do something for too long and I think it really is time to just go for it.

I will have made my first payment by next Wednesday and will start classes either January 11 or 31 - which will have me done finished with training by April at the latest. 

I really, really hope this works out.

Here's a fun MUTEMATH song to end my post.

In the words of one of my favorite characters of all time, "Whatever happens, happens".

'Nuff Said,

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