Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Reach"-ing for Something to Write

Snoop Dogg vs LL Cool J: The Ultimate Halo Smack Down from LL Cool J

I love that video. I have feeling a few of my gamer friends would do the same thing if they had the money.

Since last Tuesday I've been making an effort to get in some time on Halo: Reach. I didn't play Halo: ODST much when it came out and by the time I did get on people were pretty much over it. But I like Reach as much as I can like a  game from the Halo franchise.

Screenshot courtesy http://www.bungie.net

You see, I suck at Halo. The first Halo for the X-Box was one of the first shooters I played so I was absolutely terrible at it. I thought with having a little more shooter experience, I would be better at Halo 2 ... but there wasn't much improvement. When Halo 3 came out I'd had shooter experience with Star Wars Battlefront, Gears of War and Call of Duty so I thought I would for sure do well. Alas, I still was pretty bad. Better than the first two but still bad.

I don't know what it is about the franchise, I just royally suck at Halo. You can see how much right here. (Note: There are some good stats from when Ben played on my account)

I still have a good time though. I enjoy the game and the story line so I like Reach - I'm just not very good. I'm lucky my gamer friends online are, or I'd probably never play. Online, I tend to be our handicap and/or bait ... funny, but sadly true.

I haven't bought my copy and have been using my brother's so I haven't beaten the game yet but it is pretty good so far. I'm especially impressed with the backgrounds. The maps are HUGE and distractingly pretty to look at. Bungie did a fantastic job with the Reach planet. I get lost in the big maps but haven't minded too much as I usually enjoy the surroundings (and lack of people killing me) enough that I can't complain.

Tonight I'm headed to Andre Ethier Fleece Blanket night at Dodgers Stadium! I'm excited to get my blanket! The season may not have been what we'd hoped for but I still love going to Dodger games. I'll be sad when baseball season is over.

That's all for today I believe.

'Nuff said,

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