Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Scatter-brained Bunny

I haven't been sure about what to blog about lately ... there seems to be a lot yet not much. So this may be a bit of a scatter-brain blog. Writing down a few random things usually helps me cut through writer's block.

1. First off, the Daily Titan 50th Anniversary Banquet was okay. Not many people I knew showed up but I had a good time with Jess, Amy and Christee. We even got a little drama as they didn't ask any of the staffers (myself, Jess and Amy included) who worked on the Nick Adenhart extra to speak. Jess was an awesome Exec Editor. We're not even her staff anymore and she fought to get us recognition. The whole things made me miss writing and editing again. I loved my time at the DT and the Sports section was just a lot of fun. Michal join Amy, Christee and I afterwards in Downtown Fullerton. That was cool too. It was good to see Michal. He helped me and taught me a lot so I've always thought of him as ... hmm ... like a mentor or something.

2. Christee and I got to talking at Heroes and I think I might want to teach English. I've never minded kids and teaching has been in the back of my mind before but I always pushed to be a writer. Truth is, I enjoyed being a tutor and I really am a grammar nerd. I like school and I like learning too. So I'm really considering going back to school to get my masters and credential. I can always freelance write too so I don't really have to give anything up. I've learned I'm not big on office jobs, I need more variety to stay happy. That's one thing the newspaper offered. It was routine in that we had to go in every day and do work, but something new and different happened every day. Teaching offers that variety too, I think. I still need to think this through though.

3. I went to my first Dodger game of the season last Thursday! They lost but I liked our seats and the game was fun. Plus, they won three straight right after so I can't be upset. Actually, in May I'll be going to three Dodger games! Holy crap! The college group at my church is going this Friday, I'm going on the 18th for Andre Ethier Bobblehead night and I'm going to see them on the 28th in Denver. I'm flying out there and taking my niece for her graduation present. It's a Go Blue kind of month I guess.

4. I've been really up and down spiritually lately. Just can't seem to feel settled or relaxed ... or calm. I put too much pressure on myself sometimes and it affects my relationship with God. I'd like to find a way to fix that. It doesn't help that I don't like to talk to people about it though. Sunday, we talked about accepting our weaknesses and realizing everyone is broken, but I struggle with that. I'm the type to hide my weaknesses and keep everything inside. For a while, I was using my journal to talk to God but I've gotten away from that recently. I should find it and try that again.

5. I hate American Idol ... but I might love Lee DeWyze. I think I'll talk more about that tomorrow.

6. I'm going to visit my big brother tomorrow I think. If not I'll do it Thursday. Part of my turmoil has been missing him more lately. My brother was so strong and easy to rely on and I really miss that about him. Memorial Day is coming up soon too so it makes me think of him.

7. That felt refreshing!

'Nuff Said,

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