Friday, July 30, 2010

I Really Wish ...

I could have done this to some stupid lady on the freeway on my way home from work today:

Seriously, it's bad enough I'm stuck in Southern California traffic coming home from Orange County, but then this stupid lady on her friggin' cell phone could not drive! I was stuck behind her ass way too long.

I like the movie Shoot 'Em Up - particularly that scene. The whole movie is just a fun shoot-'em-up style movie with brilliant, cheesy, terrible one liners. Clive Owen is a badass and, yeah, there's no substance but it's just fun. I haven't watched it in a while but I feel like it after watching that clip.

Maybe it's because my daddy raised us on Arnold Schwarzenegger movies but I appreciate those kind of fun action movies with fantastically cheesy lines. This is one of my favorites ever:

How amazing is that?

Shoot 'Em Up is basically like that all through the movie so how could I not love it?

Anyways, an update from Loney Bobblehead Night ... it was one of the weirdest nights ever.

First we left about 15 minutes later than I wanted so I started off a little annoyed. Then there were 2 accidents on the 210 so after 20 minutes to get three exits. I got off the freeway and went down to the 10 but hit every red light possible on the way. Traffic on the 10 wan't too bad considering but, of course, merging to the 110 was terrible. I got off right before the 110 and had to go through the main entrance and deal with that traffic BUT we made got our bobble heads.

By the time we got inside I needed a drink and there was a short line, for once. There were 2 people in front of us but it took about 20 minutes to get to the front because the lady was having trouble with the machine and couldn't count. I finally get up there to order a Blue Moon and every tap at the stand is out of it. I settled for a Miller Lite. We got to our seats just in time for the Dodgers to turn a double play and end the top of the first (seriously as we're walking down the stairs we see it). Then my man Andre Ethier hits a home run and things were looking up. Our section was awesome, the Dodgers were doing great and it was an intense game because it was against the Giants ... but then the Dodgers lost in the 9th when George Sherrill came in ... I dislike George Sherrill immensely so that made it worse. Finally, we get back to my car and someone had broken my passenger side mirror.

I still can't decide whether it was a great night, an awful one or just a weird one.

I hope the Dodgers continue to kick ass in the West because if not we're in trouble.

That was random but I'm watching the game as I type this so I threw it in there.

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The Right to Appear Ridiculous is a Right that I Hold Dear"

Tonight, I am getting my James Loney bobblehead! Isn't it cute?

I'm really excited. I had a ton of fun at the Andre Ethier bobblehead night and I'm going with Kristin, Laura and Jemma so I'm hoping for a good game (should be a pitcher's duel with Kershaw going against Lincecum) and a Dodger win (because we really need it) on top of the fun!

The line in the title is from the U2 song I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. I love the lyrics in this song! Honestly, I like most of U2's lyrics, this song was just stuck in my head and considering the craziness I've endured the last few weeks ... it's kind of true.

I think that's it. Here's the song:

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quite Possibly My Favorite Korean ... Definitely the Sexiest

I finally saw Ninja Assassin over the weekend!

It was cool and Korean pop star Rain was totally sexy!

My first knowledge of Korean pop star Rain was on The Colbert Report when Stephen Colbert declared war on him over being voted into the Time 100 Most Influential People, I believe. The recap video won't work so here's one where Colbert challenges Rain to a dance off.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rain Rivalry Challenge
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

He was totally adorable and so I asked the student I was tutoring (a pretty cool Korean boy named Arlen) about him. Arlen got me to listen to some of his music but I was definitely more interested in the music videos. Then I found out about Rain being in Speed Racer and decided I pretty much loved him.

Ninja Assassin took what love to a whole new level! He is SUCH a badass in the movie! There's really not much plot to the movie so if you want that more than awesome badass violence and Rain being sexy don't see it but the everything else is ... well, badass. I love action movies so I adored it. Very cool.

Rain looked amazing too! He trained 6 hours a day for 6 months to get in shape for the movie! He talks about that here! That's insane ... but in an awesome way.

There's not too much else I can say about the movie. It was just really, really cool.

Though it did make me think about one thing. I would love for there to be a good movie based on the Dead or Alive video game franchise! There's been a movie made ... but we won't discuss that - it's super cheesy. BUT in the game's storyline there is the potential for a good movie - especially if they focused on the ninja characters (a central part to the overall story). After seeing Rain in Ninja Assassin I think he'd make an amazing Ryu Hayubusa or Hayate/Ein (complicated story for him).

Rain in Ninja Assassin
Ryu Hayabusa

See? With his hair in the movie I think more a Hayate, but his badassness would be perfect for Ryu too.

That's all for today. I felt like keeping it light. And, just for fun, here's the dance-off.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rain Dance-Off
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

'Nuff Said,

Friday, July 9, 2010

More Nerding Out ... and I Like Olivia Munn!

I guess it might be kind of weird since I'm a girl but I want this book:

Suck It Wonder Woman by Olivia Munn

I love Olivia Munn. I watch G4 and Attack of the Show so I've appreciated Olivia for a while now. She is honestly funny and knows enough of what she's talking about to seem to be an actual geek. I guess it's refreshing to know she's beautiful, a girl and a gamer. No guy can realistically expect that too many gamer, nerd, chicks are that gorgeous but it's nice to have it out there.

I'm nowhere near Olivia pretty but it's nice to see girls like her and Morgan  Webb showing people that not all girls who play video games are 400 pounds and suck at life (which I've basically been told quite a few times after shot-gunning guys to the face on the X-box).

Honestly, for a while I thought she might only be funny playing off Kevin Periera (also a hot nerd) on AotS but she's done some things on KROQ (I loved her on Loveline) and a few reports on The Daily Show before now becoming a correspondent that were good. I don't get why she's being bashed in blogs and stuff. She doesn't have the comedian background but she's funny and smart ... that should count for something. If she sucked I doubt Jon Stewart would have her on.

So, yeah, I like Olivia Munn. I'm not a dude, I'm not after her body, I think sometimes she's awkward but if I looked like her I might go to Comic-Con dressed as Laura Croft too (not the Leia outfit but I'd be too self-conscious for that ... and no one had mentioned that outfit in the interviews I read! She was adorable!) and I think she's likeable and pretty funny.

Hell, I might even go to the book signing in Pasadena!

'Nuff Said,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want to run, I want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside

This is so cool:

I love Muse and I love U2 and I love this song! So it's good all around. Never thought I'd see Muse do a cover of U2 ... I'm sad I didn't actually see it live.

Anyways, I've had to avoid posting the last few days. I got really worked up over something that happened in church on the 4th of July and had to actually walk out. I really dislike people bringing politics into church. Let's say we'll pray for the leaders and leave it at that ... taking the opportunity of "having pride in your country" to bring up what you think is wrong with it ... not cool.

Sometimes I listen to people and think "My brother died for this shit?" Especially on a day like the 4th all about our country and soldiers and stuff. I don't know ... maybe I'm too sensitive.

When my brother first died I was surprised at how little anger I felt about these things. I was pretty numb to all of it for a long time and easily ignored it, but lately that hasn't been the case at all. I get really angry when people drag politics into the church or go out bashing policies and things they know nothing about under the guise of "supporting" our troops.

So yeah ... as you can see I still am a little miffed. There was no way I could make a rational post after that happened. I almost left the service all together. It ended up being good I didn't but that still bugs me.

Speaking of my brother, he was always in to Eminem. I got a copy of his new Recovery album and am really enjoying it. Slim Shady has always been great, but this cd is so refreshing! Just straight up talent without any stupid auto tune and crap. I know my brother would like it too. We listened to a lot of Eminem in his car.

The cd is worth checking out. It's basically good all the way through. I'm not going to claim to be an expert in rap music, but I don't flat out hate the genre and I like what I like. It's good.

That's all for now.

'Nuff said,

p.s. In case you didn't know, the title is a line from Where the Streets Have No Name