Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Little Things

Being in a new country has meant many big changes. A new job, picking up more of a new language, living alone for the first time, being away from family, friends and church for more than two weeks; these are just a few of the major changes I've been adjusting to. So far, I think I'm doing well with that, but there are times when the big just seems so big, so different.

I'm a week into Natsu Yasumi (summer vacation) and some of the big things were getting me down with no work to distract me and having to save money along with that. But then the little things started popping up.

A friend sent me some new music (including the new Hillsong United cd which gave me a bit of a spiritual recharge), I received a package that included my favorite cereal from my family, I was able to text a new friend for translation help and she came through, I cooked some food with a Japanese twist I'd picked up eating school lunches, and, today, I went to an elementary school volleyball tournament.

About a month before the end of term volleyball practice began at Yasuzuka Shogakko (Elementary School), the school I taught at every Tuesday. I asked to watch one day and the coach invited me on the court to help and play. After that they said I could go to practice every Tuesday and so I did. The team is small (only 7 memebers, 6 of whom are 6th graders and one 3rd grader) but they work hard and I've been really impressed with them. I've also been impressed with their families. The parents show up and help out at practices and really support their girls.

Although the 1st term has ended the coaches told me about the tournament and so I exchanged a few texts (in Japanese, hence the need for translation help) with "Momo's Mama" and went to the tournament. The parents and the girls were so sweet! They seemed happy that I was there and tried to chat with me during breaks. When there was a break for lunch, the girls talked to me and we worked on my Japanese and their English (well, a little), then Nozomi gave me a One Piece cell phone charm.

It was a small thing and she had a couple extras from a trip to Round One in Utsunomiya, but because I like One Piece she gave it to me. That small gesture made my day. It reminded me why I'm enjoying my time here and made getting up early and finding my way to Kanuma completely worth it.

Hawkeye Mihawk fits nicely with my Ace screen cover. 
It is completely corny but it really is the little things that make the days good.

'Nuff Said,

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