Friday, July 22, 2011

"I'm an Odd Soul"

I am so much more excited than I though I would be for MUTEMATH's newest release "Odd Soul"! These guys ... I love them. They are always so refreshing and I seriously adore Paul Meany's voice! I really do.

I was surprised when I first heard this track as it is quite a change from their normal sound (which I also love) but it's still very much MUTEMATH, especially when it comes to the lyrics. I am definitely looking forward to hearing a more bluesy sound coming from them and am hoping they may also add a little more jazz (as they gave us a bit on their last album "Armistice").

It's definitely different, but I dig it the more I listen to it.

Something else that is very cool is that if you click you can remix the song! The band has broken the video and the tracks into 6 pieces (drums, bass, guitar, vocal, synth and background vocals) so you can play with it both musically and visually! I think that' pretty awesome.

Here's the vocal visual stem to give you an idea of what I mean ... and because it shows off Paul Meany's fantastic voice which, like I said, I adore.


'Nuff Said,

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