Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

Things have been so relaxed lately it's eerie.

Now that I've been contracted and sent in my documents I'm waiting for my Visa processing. I don't know my exact leave date yet which is a little bothersome but I can't do anything about my transcripts taking their time to get to Japan.

Also my TEFL course is just about over. I did the Final Project a little too last minute but it didn't really affect my grade that much - a B+ rather than A- isn't bad.

Work has also been eerie. I've told everyone I'm leaving but continuing my day-to-day activities, just seems like a little less to do than normal.

I told my church I would be leaving and the majority of friends and family. So now it's just a short wait.

I think my journey is slowly becoming more real though. I'm realizing I won't be here for birthdays, trips and hangouts. It's the little things I've been thinking about most - I've never been on my own for more than a couple of weeks - it's weird, especially since I'll be so completely on my own now. Still, right now it's kind of surreal.

Since I'm going to miss Dodger Season my dad's taking me to a Spring Training game! I'm excited for that ... I just hope Andre Ethier, Matt Kemp and James Loney are there. It'd be a bummer to drive down there and not get to see them. If I leave April 2nd I'll get to go to Opening Night on the 1st with Kristin and Ben. I hope that one works out.

I need to add too that I'm totally getting Dragon Age II.

I blogged here about Dragon Age: Origins and after playing the demo I'm ready for II. 

That's all for now really. I just thought this sort of calm in my life has been a little odd, and a little refreshing, after so much Chaos.

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