Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 ... Still Feels Like 2009

Happy New Year!

The holidays really went by quickly this year. Part of that is thanks to the fact that I got a job after 6 annoying months without one and I'm pretty sure the other reason is that I had a good time. Christmas in particular is always rough for my family but this year we seemed to be able to enjoy it despite missing my brother.

I've really never been "into" New Year's for some reason. Even when I've been to big parties and stuff it's never been a big deal. I think it's because I don't treat the New Year any differently than the last one. I don't make resolutions or do anything different other than have some more to drink depending on who I'm with and sending a few people a text message.

However, in light of some recent events, I'd like to set a few goals for 2010. If I think of any more I'll probably add them, but I just want a few to get me going. I'm hoping writing them down motivates me to keep them. I've never really done resolutions because I think they're generally stupid and will be broken, but I'll give it a shot.

These are in no order of importance.

#1. See Muse in concert.
I've liked Muse ever since I first heard them in 2004 (maybe the beginning of '05 now that I think about it) but I've never seen them. They've become one of my favorite bands and I adore their music so I really, really want to see them. The fact that I haven't seen them yet and a few people I introduced to their music have is just getting sadder by the day.

#2. Write again.
Find a journalism/media relations/writing/copy editing job or internship! Even if I have to keep this part time job, I want to do that.

#3. Not fret so much on the small things.
This one will be very difficult to keep because I internalize and make little things bigger than they are. But if some of the changes that seem to be coming really do arrive, I will need to work on this.

#4. Expand my reading.
I like to read but the past couple years haven't been doing as much good reading as I'd like. I'd like to read more interalcultural studies books, world religion books and books on musicians ... and not pick up as much manga.

#5. Stay Active.
Lots of people say this at the beginning of the year but I'm going to say it anyways. In the past year, I've gotten a gym membership, been playing in a couple volleyball leagues and will be playing co-ed softball Friday nights starting at the end of the month so I want to continue doing things like this and not let my incredible laziness get the best of me.

#6. Save Money.
At a part time job this is going to be hard but my aunt has created an Ireland fund I've yet to contribute too. If the teaching job in Japan I've been wanting works out I'll also need money for the the first couple months. My biggest enemy is going to be eating out ... and Dodger season ... and concerts ... and clothes.

# 7. Reach Out at Church
I realize a big problem with how I feel sometimes at church is that I don't take the first step. Most people who could possibly help, or are somewhat hurting me most likely don't even know it because I never say anything.

That's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any good ones or suggestions I'd like to hear them. In the mean time I'll try to think of a couple more - I'd like to get to 10 or 12.

'Nuff Said,

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