Saturday, January 30, 2010

Off to a Rocky Start

2010 is shaping up not to be very kind. I really hope this does not continue.

It's probably been the most stresssful month in quite a while actually ... and I'm glad tomorrow is the last day.

I dislike my job more and more each day. They said they needed help with housekeeping in the salon so I said I'd do it for a couple weeks but it's becoming increasingly clear that they want me to stay over there. There are more hours than at the smoothie shop but it's crappy work. And my bosses ... well, they're annoying. They're sneaky and come with way too much drama. I hate drama. Plus they make a lot of promises they can't keep and just do things that don't make much sense ... I just don't want to be there. It takes a lot of effort to go in to work ... I've only worked one other job where it got to be this tough to go in, and I was lucky enough to only start experiencing that right before I had to quit for school. I guess after being in a job I loved it's just gotten harder to accept a job I don't like ... but at least it's a job.

My family is going through a lot right now ... and my other niece is just making things worse. She's 17 ... she's still very much a child and she's trying to get involved in things that are none of her business or that she doesn't have the facts about and be an adult. She's not an adult, she's a spoiled child who says hurtful things without regaurd for the people she hurts. It's annoying. What it comes down to is my older brother's mom hates my dad. She's hated him since he left her in the 70s and she's never let him, or consequently sometimes my mother and us, forget it. She kept a lot of things from us and often says things to my nieces that aren't entirely true to make him look bad. I really didn't believe this at first, but I've seen and heard things that reinforce the theory. The fact that my niece can be so mean also adds to it; she won't even give my parents the benefit of the doubt and lumps me and my brother in just because she can. It hurts. A lot.

There are other things too but January has been quite annoying.

However, there are always silver linings!

I FINALLY bought a ticket to see Muse. Kristin was online, saw they were playing in Vegas for a decent price and jumped on it! We're going April 10!!

Also I just finished a really good book! Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller is really good. It's about this trip from Texas to Oregon that he and a friend took when they were 21 in a VW hippie van. It's beautifully written and has some awesome points about what he learned about himself, God, spirituality and life in general. After I read Blue Like Jazz a friend recommended this book. Miller is really the only Christian author I can really get behind. His style of writing isn't so pretentious. You feel like you're having a conversation with a person, not being talked at or preached to. Plus, a lot of the ways he looks at things or thinks about spirituality I can relate to. I really like him. I also bought Searching for God Knows What from him but I let someone borrow it since I was starting Through Painted Deserts but I haven't gotten it back yet.

Anyways, I just wrote a whole lot about not very much. I think I should stop now.

'Nuff Said,

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