Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Post of 2010

I don't really have much to say right now. Honestly, I just wanted to finish with an even 40 posts for this year.

I guess 2010 has been ... kind of forgettable. It wasn't awful but it wasn't very good either. There were a lot of hard times and far more stress than I ever wanted but there was some good - I mean, I did finally see both Muse and MUTEMATH so that alone made the year worth having. I think it seems kind of fitting for the year that I end it with this bad cold I have.

I'm looking forward to 2011 though. I'm still terrified and excited about the possibility of teaching in Japan for a while and I'm hoping other things get better as well.

That's all really. I got a new camera for Christmas (which was definitely full of good and bad this year) and haven't uploaded the software to my computer yet so once I do that I'll post about it. But yeah ... adios 2010!!

'Nuff Said,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I did it. Less than an hour ago I put down my first payment for TEFL training to teach English abroad.

I still have time to choose either Japan or South Korea but I've always been leaning towards Japan and that is where I'd like to end up (Tokyo or Kyoto onegai shimasu!).

I'm nervous and I'm excited - both to the point that I can barely focus today. As I talked to Kristin on Friday we both came to conclusion about our decisions (she would like to go on a 3-week mission trip to Kenya), "Sometimes when something is on your heart for that long, maybe it's what God wants you to do," Kristin said.

I think she's right. I've wanted to do something like this for a long time - it may not be everything I hope it will be ... but then again it may be just what I need.

I start my online classes January 10th and then I guess I'll find out.

Right now though, it feels pretty good.

'Nuff said,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Going For It

There's been much to discuss and I will catch up on that later but this blog post is going to be straight to the point.

I have decided to sign up for TEFL classes and go to Japan (South Korea is less of a possibility now as my dad would freak because of the recent bombing). I'm terrified but I'm also excited.

I've known for a while that something needed to change in my life. I've always wanted to travel and I've been considering being a teacher so this is a good opportunity to try out both. 

I don't want to have a that nagging "I should have" or "What if" hanging over my head. 

I'm not lying about being terrified - the longest I've been away from my family would be 2 weeks in Australia - so I hope I'll get support for my decision, but even if I don't at least I'll know I went for it.

In my last post I talked about how much I was thinking about it but there's a point where you have to stop thinking, considering or wishing and do something. I've been wanting to do something for too long and I think it really is time to just go for it.

I will have made my first payment by next Wednesday and will start classes either January 11 or 31 - which will have me done finished with training by April at the latest. 

I really, really hope this works out.

Here's a fun MUTEMATH song to end my post.

In the words of one of my favorite characters of all time, "Whatever happens, happens".

'Nuff Said,