Monday, November 15, 2010

"Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?"

I've been a bit melancholy lately. I don't really like November - despite it being my birth month. I get bummed more easily during this month.

But I'm not here to be bummed which is why I decided for the title to be from Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash. When I saw Weezer they had a very nice cover of that song - and Rivers sang it while jumping on a trampoline on stage so it triggers happy memories of a fantastic set from Weezer.

Currently I am in the process of trying to leave the country for 6 months to a year. I'm looking into getting TEFL training so I can teach English abroad. I'd like to go to Japan or South Korea. I'm pushing for Japan more (I'd love to stay in Tokyo or Kyoto) but South Korea would be cool.

I speak a little Japanese so it'd be fun to use it ... and I had a lot of Korean friends in high school so I know a few of the bad words. At least I would know when I'm being cursed at or called "stupid", "fat", "crazy" or "idiot" and when I'm being told "hi" and "bye". Yeah, those words are the extent of my Korean.

I'm not 100% sure about this ... I desperately want to travel, but I'm terrified of leaving my family and other responsibilities I have here. It would be completely different from anything I've ever done. But that's what makes it so very, very appealing.

Also, I think I'd be pretty good at it. I'm kind of a grammar nerd and from tutoring a few Korean kids I do know some of the struggles they have learning English.

With the cost of the training I wouldn't be able to get started until January though. I wanted to start now, but it's just too expensive.

It would be pretty wicked to go though.

That's all really. I'm gonna leave with a MUTEMATH song that's stuck in my head as I try to pull out of this melancholy.

Good stuff.

'Nuff said,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"We have to unify and watch our flag ascend"

That's a line from "Uprising" by Muse.

I can't believe I didn't post in October. A lot happened that I wanted to talk about. I finally got to see MUTEMATH! They were awesome. The experience getting there ... well, I'll save that for my next blog. It was definitely an adventure.

Anyways, I watched the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear Saturday and enjoyed Jon Stewart's speech. He had a point. Instead of the media doing it's job it tears us apart. It tells us we are or aren't this or that because of one decision - it leaves little room for compromise and that is reflected in our government. We can't change or help the country if the government isn't willing to compromise.

With elections going on, I was really starting to lose my faith in people's sanity. But seeing all those people also tired of this stupidity made me feel a bit better.

Other than that ... today is election day. So I guess we shall see what that means.

That's all for today. I really just wanted to post the speech because I liked it. I also really liked Colbert's montages and John Oliver in that Peter Pan outfit.

'Nuff Said,